concentrarse - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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concentrarse (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "concentrarse" is a verb.

Phonetic Transcription

/konθenˈtɾaɾse/ (in Spain)
/konˈsentɾaɾse/ (in Latin America)

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

"Concentrarse" refers to the action of directing one's attention or mental effort towards a specific task, object, or thought. It is commonly used in contexts where mental focus is required, such as studying, working, or engaging in activities that demand cognitive effort. This verb is frequently used in both oral speech and written contexts, particularly in academic, professional, or everyday conversational settings.

Frequency of Use

"Concentrarse" is a regularly used verb, especially in educational and work-related discussions. Its frequency tends to be higher in spoken language, given its relevance in everyday situations where focus is necessary.

Example Sentences

  1. Necesito concentrarme más en mis estudios para pasar el examen.
    I need to concentrate more on my studies to pass the exam.

  2. Es difícil concentrarse en un lugar ruidoso.
    It's difficult to focus in a noisy place.

  3. Ella se concentra en la música cuando está estresada.
    She concentrates on the music when she is stressed.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "concentrarse" does not have many idiomatic expressions directly associated with it, it is part of phrases related to focus and attention. Here are some examples:

  1. Concentrarse en el momento
    Es importante concentrarse en el momento y disfrutar de lo que tienes.
    It is important to focus on the moment and enjoy what you have.

  2. Concentrarse en el objetivo
    Debes concentrarte en el objetivo si quieres tener éxito.
    You must concentrate on the goal if you want to succeed.

  3. Concentrarse en el trabajo
    Necesito concentrarme en el trabajo para terminar a tiempo.
    I need to focus on work to finish on time.

  4. Nada puede distraerme cuando me concentro
    Cuando me concentro, nada puede distraerme de mis tareas.
    When I concentrate, nothing can distract me from my tasks.

  5. Concentrarse en lo que importa
    Debemos aprender a concentrarnos en lo que realmente importa en la vida.
    We must learn to focus on what truly matters in life.


The verb "concentrarse" is derived from the Latin word "concentrare," which means to bring together or to focus. The prefix "con-" indicates togetherness or completeness, while "centrar" comes from "centrum," meaning center. Together, they convey the idea of focusing or bringing attention to a central point.

Synonyms and Antonyms


