concernir - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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concernir (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription

/konˈθeɾ/ (in Spain) or /konˈsɛɾ/ (in Latin America)

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The verb "concernir" is used in the Spanish language to indicate that something is relevant, applicable, or has implications for someone or something. It is often utilized in contexts where issues or matters are being discussed, particularly in relation to their impact or significance to individuals or groups.

"Concernir" is typically found in both oral and written contexts, though it may be more prominently used in formal writing, discussions, or when addressing matters of importance. Its frequency of occurrence tends to be moderate, particularly in legal, formal, or academic settings.

Example Sentences

  1. La decisión del gobierno concerniría a todas las comunidades.
    (The government's decision would concern all communities.)

  2. Lo que digas concernirá directamente a tu futuro.
    (What you say will directly concern your future.)

  3. Estas normas concernían a la seguridad pública.
    (These regulations concerned public safety.)

Idiomatic Expressions

While "concernir" itself may not be a key element of many idiomatic expressions, it can appear with various phrases that express obligation or significance. Here are a few idiomatic contexts where "concernir" is commonly used:

  1. No me concierne lo que piensen los demás.
    (It doesn't concern me what others think.)

  2. A mí me concierne que se respeten los derechos humanos.
    (It concerns me that human rights are respected.)

  3. Es un asunto que nos concierne a todos.
    (It's a matter that concerns us all.)

  4. No quiero involucrarme en problemas que no me conciernen.
    (I don't want to get involved in problems that don't concern me.)

  5. Si te concierne, deberías estar informado.
    (If it concerns you, you should be informed.)


The word "concernir" comes from the Latin verb "concernere," which means “to sift together” or “to interweave.” This etymology reflects the idea of interconnectedness, whereby one matter may have implications for others. The prefix "con-" signifies "together" and "cernere" implies a sense of separation or distinction.

Synonyms and Antonyms


