concertado - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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concertado (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Concertado is an adjective in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The word concertado generally refers to something that has been agreed upon or arranged usually through discussion or mutual consent. It is commonly used in various contexts, particularly in legal, social, or administrative situations.

In the Spanish-speaking world, especially in countries like Venezuela, Costa Rica, and Cuba, the term is often associated with actions, negotiations, or plans that require collaboration or consensus among multiple parties.

The word is more frequently found in written contexts, such as formal documents, agreements, and governmental communications, but can also appear in spoken language particularly in professional scenarios.

Example Sentences

  1. El plan está completamente concertado entre las partes.
  2. The plan is completely agreed upon between the parties.

  3. Se realizó una reunión para discutir el proyecto concertado.

  4. A meeting was held to discuss the concerted project.

  5. Los esfuerzos concertados de todos resultaron en el éxito del evento.

  6. The concerted efforts of everyone resulted in the success of the event.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word concertado can appear in various idiomatic expressions, reflecting collaboration and agreement.

  1. Entendimiento concertado
  2. Agreed understanding
  3. Ejemplo: Firmaron un entendimiento concertado para evitar malentendidos en el futuro.
  4. They signed an agreed understanding to avoid misunderstandings in the future.

  5. Acciones concertadas

  6. Concerted actions
  7. Ejemplo: Se requieren acciones concertadas para abordar la crisis ambiental.
  8. Concerted actions are needed to address the environmental crisis.

  9. Acuerdo concertado

  10. Concerted agreement
  11. Ejemplo: El acuerdo concertado fue vital para el éxito del proyecto.
  12. The concerted agreement was vital for the project's success.

  13. Esfuerzo concertado

  14. Concerted effort
  15. Ejemplo: Solo a través de un esfuerzo concertado podremos mejorar la situación.
  16. Only through a concerted effort can we improve the situation.


The term concertado originates from the Latin word "concertare," which means to bring together or to agree. The prefix "con-" suggests collaboration or togetherness, while "certare" refers to striving or contending.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Acordado (agreed) - Convenido (agreed upon) - Planificado (planned)

Antonyms: - Desconcertado (disconcerted) - Desacordado (disagreed) - Desorganizado (disorganized)

This comprehensive overview of concertado highlights its importance and usage within the Spanish language, particularly in various Spanish-speaking countries.
