concesionario - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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concesionario (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Concesionario is a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription

/konθesjoˈnaɾjo/ (in Spain)
/konseθjoˈnaɾjo/ (in Latin America)

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The term concesionario refers primarily to a business or entity engaged in the sale and distribution of goods, especially vehicles. In the context of economics and law, it often pertains to dealerships that operate under certain concessions or franchises, particularly in the automotive industry. The term is commonly used in both spoken and written contexts, with a slightly higher frequency in written texts related to sales, economics, and legal agreements.

Example Sentences

  1. El concesionario ofrece una garantía de dos años en todos sus vehículos.
    The dealership offers a two-year warranty on all of its vehicles.

  2. Visité el concesionario para ver el nuevo modelo que acaba de salir.
    I visited the dealership to see the new model that has just come out.

  3. El concesionario anunció una gran venta para el próximo fin de semana.
    The dealership announced a big sale for next weekend.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word concesionario is not frequently used in idiomatic expressions. However, it can be part of phrases related to sales or services.

Example Sentences with Idiomatic Context

  1. Los concesionarios suelen ofrecer financiamiento atractivo para la compra de autos.
    Dealers often offer attractive financing for car purchases.

  2. Es importante leer bien el contrato con el concesionario antes de firmar.
    It is important to read the contract with the dealer carefully before signing.

  3. El concesionario no se hace responsable de los daños causados por el mal uso del vehículo.
    The dealership is not responsible for damages caused by misuse of the vehicle.


The word concesionario comes from the Spanish verb conceder, which means "to grant" or "to concede." It is derived from the Latin concedere, combining con- (together) and cedere (to yield), reflecting the idea of granting permission to sell or manage certain products, typically under an agreement or franchise.

Synonyms and Antonyms


