concha - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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concha (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Concha" is a feminine noun (la concha) in the Spanish language.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

In Spanish, "concha" has several meanings depending on the context: 1. General usage: Refers to the hard, protective outer case of mollusks and other creatures or can refer to any kind of shell. 2. Medicine: In anatomy, it can refer to the concha of the ear, which are the concave structures involved in hearing. 3. Colloquial use: In some Latin American countries, "concha" can have vulgar connotations referring to female genitalia.

"Concha" is used fairly often in both oral and written contexts, though the frequency of its use can depend on specific regions.

Example Sentences

  1. La concha de la tortuga es muy dura.
    The turtle's shell is very hard.

  2. Encontré una concha hermosa en la playa.
    I found a beautiful shell on the beach.

  3. La concha del oído es fundamental para la audición.
    The concha of the ear is fundamental for hearing.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Concha" appears in a few idiomatic expressions, particularly in colloquial contexts in Latin America. Here are some examples:

  1. Estar como una concha (To be like a shell): Signifies feeling secure and protected.
  2. Example: En su casa, se siente como una concha.
    In her house, she feels like a shell.

  3. No pelearse por una concha (Not to fight over a shell): This means not to get into arguments over trivial matters.

  4. Example: No vale la pena pelearse por una concha.
    It's not worth fighting over a shell.

  5. Concha de tu madre (Shell of your mother): A vulgar insult in some countries, indicating strong emotions, often anger.

  6. Example: ¡Concha de tu madre, no llegues tarde otra vez!
    Shell of your mother, don’t be late again!


The word "concha" comes from the Latin "concha," which means "shell" or "shellfish." This Latin term itself arose from the Greek "kónkhe," referring to a shell or a mollusk.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Caparazón (Carapace) - Cáscara (Shell/Peel) - Vaina (Pod)

Antonyms: - Núcleo (Nucleus) - Interior (Interior)

In summary, "concha" is a versatile word in Spanish that encompasses meanings related to shells and protective cases while also having unique colloquial uses in different regions. Its richness in idiomatic expressions illustrates its cultural significance in various contexts.
