conciencia - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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conciencia (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of speech: Noun

Phonetic transcription: /konˈθjenθja/

Meanings: 1. Consciousness or awareness of one's own existence, sensations, thoughts, surroundings, etc. 2. Moral sense; the complex of ethical and moral principles that controls or inhibits the actions or thoughts of an individual.

Usage patterns: "Conciencia" is a common word in Spanish and is used both in oral speech and written context. It is a word that is frequently employed to refer to being conscious of one's actions or surroundings, as well as to morality or ethical behavior.

Verb forms: This word is a noun and does not have verb forms or conjugations.

Gerund: As this word is a noun, it does not have a gerund form.

Example phrases: 1. "Ella tenía plena conciencia de sus actos." (She was fully aware of her actions.) 2. "Es importante actuar con conciencia en todo momento." (It is important to act conscientiously at all times.)

Idiomatic expressions: "Conciencia" is present in several important idiomatic expressions in Spanish. Here are a few examples: 1. "Perder la conciencia" (To lose consciousness) - to faint or pass out. 2. "Estar en paz con su conciencia" (To be at peace with one's conscience) - to feel morally or ethically aligned with one's actions. 3. "Tener mala conciencia" (To have a guilty conscience) - to feel remorseful or guilty about something done.

Etymology: The term "conciencia" comes from the Latin word "conscientia," which means "knowledge with oneself" or "moral sense."

Synonyms: - Conocimiento (knowledge) - Consciencia (conscience) - Sentido (sense)

Antonyms: - Inconsciencia (unconsciousness) - Desconocimiento (ignorance) - Indiferencia (indifference)