concienzudo - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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concienzudo (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Concienzudo is an adjective in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The term concienzudo refers to someone who is thorough, careful, and diligent in their work or responsibilities. It describes a person who pays close attention to detail and who takes their tasks seriously, striving to perform them to the best of their ability.

Example Sentences

  1. Es un estudiante concienzudo que siempre entrega sus trabajos a tiempo.
    He is a conscientious student who always submits his assignments on time.

  2. El médico es muy concienzudo en su diagnóstico y siempre revisa todos los detalles.
    The doctor is very diligent in his diagnosis and always checks all the details.

  3. Necesitamos un trabajador tan concienzudo como él para el proyecto.
    We need a worker as meticulous as he is for the project.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "concienzudo" may not feature prominently in idiomatic expressions, it is related to the concept of diligence and thoroughness in various sayings. Here are a few expressions that reflect its essence:

  1. "Hacer algo con conciencia"
    To do something with conscience - Refers to performing a task thoroughly and ethically.
  2. Example: Siempre hago mis tareas con conciencia porque quiero aprender bien.
    I always do my assignments with conscience because I want to learn well.

  3. "A buen hambre no hay mal pan"
    In a good hunger, there is no bad bread - Suggests that when one is diligent and motivated, they will appreciate and make the most of what they have, no matter the quality.

  4. Example: El concienzudo chef utilizó cada ingrediente, mostrando que a buen hambre no hay mal pan.
    The conscientious chef used every ingredient, showing that in a good hunger, there is no bad bread.

  5. "El que no arriesga, no gana"
    He who does not take risks does not win - Implying that one must be diligent and take well-thought-out risks to achieve results.

  6. Example: El concienzudo empresario sabe que el que no arriesga, no gana.
    The conscientious businessman knows that he who does not take risks does not win.


Concienzudo comes from the Spanish word conciencia, which means "conscience" or "awareness." The suffix -udo typically implies abundance or possession of a quality, thus suggesting a person characterized by a strong sense of awareness or carefulness in their actions.

Synonyms and Antonyms

- Diligente (diligent)
- Meticuloso (meticulous)
- Cuidadoso (careful)

- Negligente (negligent)
- Descuidado (careless)
- Irresponsable (irresponsible)
