concierto - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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concierto (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The word "concierto" translates to "concert" in English and typically refers to a live performance of music in front of an audience, typically involving orchestras, bands, or individual musicians. In Spanish, it can denote various musical gatherings, including classical concerts, rock shows, and other performances.

"Concierto" tends to be used frequently in both oral and written contexts, especially referring to events, music discussions, and cultural activities.

Example Sentences

  1. El próximo concierto será en el auditorio de la ciudad.
    The next concert will be at the city auditorium.

  2. Me encanta ir a conciertos de música en vivo.
    I love going to live music concerts.

  3. El concierto de anoche fue espectacular.
    Last night's concert was spectacular.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "concierto" is often used in various idiomatic expressions that relate to coordination or agreement in different contexts. Here are some examples:

  1. Estar en concierto
    To be in agreement
  2. Todos estaban en concierto sobre la decisión que debían tomar.
    Everyone was in agreement about the decision they should make.

  3. Conocer a alguien de concierto
    To know someone well

  4. Conocí a Marta de concierto, por eso confío en su opinión.
    I know Marta well, that's why I trust her opinion.

  5. Hacer las cosas en concierto
    To do things in coordination

  6. Es esencial hacer las cosas en concierto para lograr los objetivos del proyecto.
    It is essential to do things in coordination to achieve the project's objectives.

  7. Concierto de intereses
    Concert of interests

  8. El acuerdo fue resultado de un concierto de intereses entre ambos países.
    The agreement was the result of a concert of interests between both countries.


The word "concierto" comes from the Latin "concertus," which means "to bring together" or "to contain together." The evolution of the word reflects its association with musical gatherings where different instruments and voices are harmonized together.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Overall, "concierto" is a pivotal term in both cultural and musical discussions within the Spanish-speaking community, often reflecting collaboration, artistic expression, and community engagement through music.
