conciliar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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conciliar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Conciliar" is a verb in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription

/konθiˈlaɾ/ (in Spain)
/konˈsilaɾ/ (in Latin America)

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

"Conciliar" primarily means to bring together two or more parties in order to settle a dispute or come to an agreement. It can also refer to harmonizing ideas, beliefs, or principles. In legal contexts, it's used to signify the process of reconciling different legal opinions or interpretations.

The frequency of use is moderate to high in written contexts, such as legal documents, formal communications, and reports. It is also common in spoken language, especially in discussions concerning relationships, conflicts, and negotiations.

Example Sentences: 1. El abogado intentó conciliar a ambas partes antes de llevar el caso a juicio.
The lawyer tried to reconcile both parties before taking the case to court.

  1. Es importante conciliar las diferencias en una relación para mantenerla saludable.
    It is important to settle the differences in a relationship to keep it healthy.

  2. La empresa necesita conciliar sus políticas con las nuevas regulaciones del gobierno.
    The company needs to harmonize its policies with the new government regulations.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Conciliar" is often used in idiomatic expressions relating to harmony, agreement, and resolution of conflicts.

  1. Conciliar sueño
    Refers to falling asleep or settling into sleep.
    No pudo conciliar sueño por el ruido en la calle.
    He couldn’t fall asleep because of the noise on the street.

  2. Conciliar intereses
    To find common ground or mutual interests.
    Es difícil conciliar intereses entre diferentes grupos, pero necesario.
    It is difficult to reconcile interests among different groups, but it is necessary.

  3. Conciliar el trabajo y la familia
    To balance work and family life.
    Ella ha aprendido a conciliar el trabajo y la familia con mucho esfuerzo.
    She has learned to balance work and family life with a lot of effort.

  4. Conciliar posturas
    To reconcile different viewpoints.
    Es fundamental conciliar posturas en una negociación para llegar a un acuerdo.
    It is essential to reconcile viewpoints in a negotiation to reach an agreement.


The word "conciliar" comes from the Latin "conciliāre," which is formed from "con-" meaning "together" and "cilium," meaning "to incline" or "to bring." It originally conveyed the action of bringing things or people together.



"Conciliar" thus plays a crucial role in law, interpersonal relationships, and organizational contexts, which makes it a vital verb in the Spanish language.
