concilio - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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concilio (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The term "concilio" generally refers to a formal assembly or gathering of individuals, particularly in a legal, religious, or governmental context. It is used to denote groups that convene for decision-making or discussion on important matters. The word "concilio" is more frequently used in written contexts, particularly in religious, legal, or academic writings, rather than in casual spoken language.

Example Sentences

  1. El concilio se reunió para discutir las reformas necesarios en la iglesia.
  2. The council gathered to discuss the necessary reforms in the church.

  3. Durante el concilio, se tomaron decisiones importantes sobre el futuro de la organización.

  4. During the assembly, important decisions were made regarding the future of the organization.

  5. El concilio de todos los países del mundo llevó a la creación de nuevos tratados internacionales.

  6. The council of all the countries in the world led to the creation of new international treaties.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "concilio" is not frequently found in idiomatic expressions per se, it does appear in contexts where the idea of assembly or consensus is significant. Here are some relevant expressions:

  1. Concilio de sabios
  2. Este concilio de sabios se reunió para buscar soluciones a los problemas globales.
  3. This council of wise men gathered to seek solutions to global problems.

  4. Concilio eclesiástico

  5. El concilio eclesiástico decidió cambiar algunas de las doctrinas de la iglesia.
  6. The ecclesiastical council decided to change some of the church doctrines.

  7. Concilio de naciones

  8. En el concilio de naciones, se debatieron diversas estrategias para combatir el cambio climático.
  9. In the council of nations, various strategies to combat climate change were debated.


The word "concilio" comes from the Latin "concilium," which means "assembly" or "meeting." The prefix "con-" implies "together," indicating the gathering of individuals for a common purpose.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Asamblea (assembly) - Junta (meeting) - Consejo (council)

Antonyms: - Dispersión (dispersion) - Desunión (disunity) - Desacuerdo (disagreement)

This comprehensive information should provide you with a good understanding of the term "concilio" and its various facets in the Spanish language.
