concluir - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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concluir (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Verbo (verb)

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

  1. To conclude
  2. To finish
  3. To end
  4. To conclude (in the context of a discussion)

Meaning and Usage

The verb "concluir" is used to express the action of bringing something to an end or to reach a conclusion after a process of reasoning or argumentation. It is commonly used in both written and oral contexts, especially in formal settings such as academic papers, legal documents, and discussions. It signifies the act of summary or final determination based on previously presented information or arguments.

"Concluir" has a moderate frequency of use in the Spanish language, as it appears in various situations including academic, professional, legal, and everyday language.

Example Sentences

  1. Es importante concluir el informe antes de la fecha límite.
  2. It is important to conclude the report before the deadline.

  3. Después de discutir los puntos clave, decidimos concluir la reunión.

  4. After discussing the key points, we decided to conclude the meeting.

  5. El jurado tuvo que concluir si el acusado era culpable o inocente.

  6. The jury had to conclude whether the accused was guilty or innocent.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "concluir" itself is not as commonly found in idiomatic expressions, it is often associated with expressions that signify resolution or finality. Here are a few examples of related phrases that include "concluir" or convey a similar sense of bringing something to a close:

  1. Concluir con broche de oro
    Signifies to conclude something on a high note.
  2. La ceremonia concluyó con broche de oro, cuando el cantante famoso se presentó.
  3. The ceremony concluded on a high note when the famous singer showed up.

  4. Concluir en una nota positiva
    To end on a positive note.

  5. A pesar de las dificultades, logramos concluir en una nota positiva.
  6. Despite the difficulties, we managed to conclude on a positive note.

  7. Concluir un pacto
    To conclude a pact.

  8. Ambos países decidieron concluir un pacto de paz.
  9. Both countries decided to conclude a peace pact.


The word "concluir" comes from the Latin "concludere," which means "to shut up, to close." It is formed by the prefix "con-" (together) and the verb "cludere" (to close). The evolution of the term reflects its meaning related to closure or finality.



In summary, "concluir" is a versatile verb used across various contexts in Spanish, allowing speakers to communicate ideas of completion, resolution, and finality effectively.
