concordar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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concordar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

In Spanish, "concordar" primarily means to reach an agreement or to be in harmony with something or someone. It is often used in contexts involving discussions, contracts, or any situation where consensus is important. The frequency of use is moderate, with a trend towards more frequent usage in written contexts, such as legal documents and formal agreements, than in everyday conversation.

Example Sentences

  1. Es fundamental concordar los términos del contrato antes de firmar.
  2. It is essential to agree on the terms of the contract before signing.

  3. Los países trataron de concordar en un tratado que beneficie a ambos.

  4. The countries tried to agree on a treaty that would benefit both.

  5. Es importante concordar las fechas de la reunión con todos los participantes.

  6. It is important to harmonize the meeting dates with all participants.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Concordar" is not as frequently used in fixed idiomatic expressions, but it can appear in various phrases highlighting agreement or harmony. Here are a few expressions:

  1. Concordar en puntos clave
  2. Es crucial concordar en puntos clave para el éxito del proyecto.
  3. It is crucial to agree on key points for the success of the project.

  4. Concordar intereses

  5. Los inversionistas deben concordar intereses para asegurar una buena colaboración.
  6. Investors must harmonize their interests to ensure good collaboration.

  7. Concordar opiniones

  8. A veces es difícil concordar opiniones entre amigos.
  9. Sometimes it's difficult to agree on opinions among friends.

  10. Concordar acciones

  11. Es importante concordar acciones para enfrentar la crisis.
  12. It is important to agree on actions to face the crisis.


The word "concordar" comes from the Latin root "concordare," which is formed from "con-" (together) and "cordis" (heart). Thus, it carries the connotation of being in agreement or harmony from a shared perspective or emotional alignment.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Acordar (to agree) - Coincidir (to coincide) - Harmonizar (to harmonize)

Antonyms: - Discrepar (to disagree) - Divergir (to diverge) - Contradecir (to contradict)
