concordia - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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concordia (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The term concordia refers to a state of agreement, harmony, or peaceful coexistence between individuals, groups, or entities. In legal contexts, it can denote an agreement reached in a legal dispute, often resulting in a settlement. In general usage, it embodies concepts related to peace and cooperation.

The word is commonly used in both oral and written contexts, with a tendency for more frequent usage in formal, legal, or diplomatic discussions.

Example Sentences

  1. La concordia entre los países es esencial para mantener la paz en la región.
  2. The concord between the countries is essential for maintaining peace in the region.

  3. El juez favoreció una solución de concordia en lugar de un juicio prolongado.

  4. The judge favored a solution of concord rather than a prolonged trial.

  5. Para alcanzar la concordia, ambas partes deben ceder en algunos puntos.

  6. To achieve concord, both parties must give in on some points.

Idiomatic Expressions

The term concordia is significant in various idiomatic expressions that emphasize harmony, agreement, or cooperation in different contexts.

Example Idiomatic Expressions

  1. Vivir en concordia.
  2. To live in harmony.
  3. La comunidad aprendió a vivir en concordia a pesar de sus diferencias.
  4. The community learned to live in harmony despite their differences.

  5. Buscar la concordia.

  6. To seek accord.
  7. El mediador fue llamado para buscar la concordia entre las partes en conflicto.
  8. The mediator was called to seek accord between the conflicting parties.

  9. Concordia y paz.

  10. Harmony and peace.
  11. El acuerdo firmado promovía la concordia y paz entre las naciones.
  12. The signed agreement promoted harmony and peace between the nations.

  13. Dar paso a la concordia.

  14. To give way to concord.
  15. En momentos de crisis, es crucial dar paso a la concordia y no a la división.
  16. In times of crisis, it is crucial to give way to concord and not to division.


The word concordia originates from Latin "concordia," meaning agreement or harmony, derived from "concordis," which is a combination of 'con-' (together) and 'cor' (heart).

Synonyms and Antonyms



In summary, concordia is a versatile term widely used in both everyday and legal contexts, representing themes of harmony and agreement, while also being part of several idiomatic expressions that reinforce its significance in communication and societal interactions.
