concretar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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concretar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "concretar" is a verb.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

"Concretar" in Spanish means to make something specific or clear, to solidify an idea or plan, or to finalize a detail. It is often used in formal contexts such as meetings, planning, and discussions where clarity and specificity are important. The term is commonly found in both oral and written contexts but tends to be more frequent in written forms related to professional and academic environments.

Example Sentences

  1. Necesitamos concretar los detalles del proyecto antes de la reunión.
  2. We need to finalize the details of the project before the meeting.

  3. ¿Puedes concretar tu idea un poco más para que la entendamos mejor?

  4. Can you specify your idea a bit more so that we understand it better?

Idiomatic Expressions

"Concretar" is involved in a few idiomatic expressions, emphasizing the importance of making something specific or clear.

Example Idiomatic Sentences

  1. Lo primero que debemos hacer es concretar la propuesta.
  2. The first thing we must do is to finalize the proposal.

  3. No podemos seguir adelante hasta que no se concrete un acuerdo.

  4. We can't move forward until an agreement is finalized.

  5. Ella siempre busca concretar sus metas antes de darse un descanso.

  6. She always aims to solidify her goals before taking a break.

  7. Es esencial concretar responsabildades para evitar confusiones en el equipo.

  8. It is essential to specify responsibilities to avoid confusion in the team.

  9. El jefe pidió que concretáramos las prioridades del mes.

  10. The boss asked us to specify the priorities for the month.


The word "concretar" comes from the Latin "concretare," which means "to make concrete," derived from "concretus," the past participle of "concrescere," meaning "to grow together, to coalesce."



This information about "concretar" provides a comprehensive understanding of its usage, meaning, and context in the Spanish language.
