concurrencia - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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concurrencia (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Concurrencia is a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription

/kon.kur.ˈɾen.θja/ (using European Spanish pronunciation)
/kon.kɚ.ˈɪə/ (using American Spanish pronunciation)

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

Concurrencia refers to the simultaneous occurrence of events, actions, or phenomena. In an economic or legal context, it can refer to the coexistence of multiple parties or influences that affect a situation or decision. It is commonly used in both written and oral contexts but may be more frequent in written form, especially in academic, legal, and economic discussions.

Example Sentences

  1. La concurrencia de varias empresas en el mercado puede afectar los precios.
  2. The concurrence of several companies in the market can affect prices.

  3. La concurrencia de eventos sociales hace que sea difícil asistir a todos.

  4. The simultaneity of social events makes it difficult to attend them all.

  5. La concurrencia de opiniones divergentes en la reunión propició un debate enriquecedor.

  6. The concurrence of differing opinions in the meeting fostered a rich debate.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word concurrencia may not have a vast range of idiomatic expressions exclusively associated with it; however, it is often used in phrases that relate to simultaneous actions or collaboration:

  1. En concurrencia con otros, lograron sacar adelante el proyecto.
  2. In concurrence with others, they managed to advance the project.

  3. La concurrencia de esfuerzos es fundamental para lograr el éxito en esta tarea.

  4. The concurrence of efforts is essential to achieving success in this task.

  5. Trabajamos en concurrencia para asegurar que no hubieran duplicaciones de esfuerzos.

  6. We worked in concurrence to ensure there were no duplications of efforts.

  7. La concurrencia de varios factores ha contribuido a la crisis económica actual.

  8. The simultaneity of various factors has contributed to the current economic crisis.

  9. Existe una concurrencia natural entre los intereses de los accionistas y la gerencia.

  10. There is a natural concurrence between the interests of shareholders and management.


The term concurrencia originates from the Latin word concurrere, which means “to run together” (from con- meaning together, and currere meaning to run). This etymology emphasizes the concept of simultaneous action or presence.

Synonyms and Antonyms


