concurrencia formal - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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concurrencia formal (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The phrase "concurrencia formal" functions as a noun phrase in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription

/konkurrencea foɾmal/

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Use

"Concurrencia formal" refers to the formal attendance or convergence of parties, often used in legal, academic, or official contexts. The term may be used to indicate that certain parties are present in a formal capacity or regarding a formal gathering or meeting.

Example Sentences

  1. "La concurrencia formal de los miembros del jurado es esencial para que el juicio pueda continuar."
  2. "The formal attendance of the jury members is essential for the trial to proceed."

  3. "Se requiere la concurrencia formal de los socios para aprobar la nueva política."

  4. "The formal concurrence of the partners is required to approve the new policy."

Idiomatic Expressions

While "concurrencia formal" may not be commonly found in idiomatic expressions, the concept of "concurrencia" can be seen in various contexts:

  1. "En concurrencia con otros factores, la decisión fue tomada en base a estadísticas."
  2. "In concurrence with other factors, the decision was made based on statistics."

  3. "La concurrencia de eventos llevó a una mayor afluencia de público."

  4. "The concurrence of events led to a greater influx of the public."

  5. "El especialista habló sobre la concurrencia de diferentes teorías en su presentación."

  6. "The specialist spoke about the concurrence of different theories in his presentation."

  7. "Las dos empresas actuaron en concurrencia para desarrollar el nuevo producto."

  8. "The two companies acted in concurrence to develop the new product."


The word "concurrencia" originates from the Latin "concurrentia," which means "running together" or "happening at the same time." The term "formal" comes from Latin "formalis," which relates to form or appearance.

Synonyms and Antonyms
