concurrir - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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concurrir (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Concurrir is a verb.

Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

Concurrir is used in Spanish to indicate the action of attending the same event, meeting, or place as others, or to agree with someone regarding an opinion or idea. It can also refer to the action of things or people coming together or converging.

The frequency of use is moderate, being applicable in both oral and written contexts. It is commonly used in formal conversations and legal documents, as well as in everyday speech.

Example Sentences

  1. Los ciudadanos deben concurrir a la reunión del consejo.
    Citizens must attend the council meeting.

  2. Ambos expertos concurrieron en que la ley debería ser modificada.
    Both experts concurred that the law should be amended.

  3. Es importante que los testigos concurran al juicio.
    It is important for the witnesses to attend the trial.

Idiomatic Expressions

Concurrir is less commonly used in idiomatic expressions compared to other verbs. However, it can appear in contexts that emphasize consensus or attendance.

Example Sentences with Idiomatic Expressions

  1. En este proyecto es esencial que todos concurran en la misma dirección.
    In this project, it is essential that everyone agrees in the same direction.

  2. Es raro que tantos partidos políticos concurran en un acuerdo.
    It is rare for so many political parties to concur in an agreement.

  3. La comunidad suele concurrir en la celebración anual de la fiesta.
    The community usually gathers at the annual festival celebration.

  4. Los padres y maestros deben concurrir en la educación de los niños.
    Parents and teachers must work together in the education of the children.


The word concurrir comes from the Latin "concurrere", which means "to run together" or "to meet together". The prefix "con-" implies togetherness, while "currere" means to run.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Asistir (to assist) - Coincidir (to coincide) - Acompañar (to accompany)

Antonyms: - Desistir (to desist) - Separarse (to separate) - Divergir (to diverge)

This comprehensive overview sheds light on the verb concurrir, its meanings, uses, and relationships with other language elements.
