concurso de competencia - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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concurso de competencia (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of speech


Phonetic transcription

/konˈkuso de kompeˈtensja/

Translation options into English


"Concurso de competencia" refers to a competition or contest where individuals or groups compete to demonstrate their skills or abilities in a particular area. It is commonly used when referring to academic, sports, or professional competitions.

Usage and frequency

This term is used more frequently in written contexts, such as formal announcements, rules and regulations of competitions, or articles discussing different contests. It is less commonly used in everyday oral speech.


  1. Spanish: El concurso de competencia de matemáticas se llevará a cabo el próximo sábado. English: The math competition contest will take place next Saturday.

  2. Spanish: Mi equipo ganó el concurso de competencia de baile en la escuela. English: My team won the dance competition contest at school.

Idiomatic expressions

  1. Concurso de belleza: beauty pageant
  2. Spanish: María ganó el concurso de belleza y fue coronada como reina.
  3. English: Maria won the beauty pageant and was crowned queen.

  4. Concurso de talento: talent show

  5. Spanish: Ana impresionó a todos en el concurso de talento con su actuación en el violín.
  6. English: Ana impressed everyone in the talent show with her violin performance.


The word "concurso" comes from the Latin word "concursus," which means a coming together or meeting. "Competencia" comes from the Latin word "competentia," which means rivalry or competition.

Synonyms and Antonyms