conde - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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conde (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The word "conde" refers to a noble title, historically used in Spanish-speaking countries. It denotes a person of high rank, often equivalent to the title of "count" in English. The use of "conde" can often be found in historical texts, literature, or formal discussions related to nobility and aristocracy. It is relatively used more in written contexts, especially within historical or literary frameworks, than in casual speech.

Example Sentences

  1. El conde organizó un gran baile en su castillo.
    The count organized a grand ball in his castle.

  2. La novela narra las aventuras del conde de Montecristo.
    The novel tells the adventures of the Count of Monte Cristo.

  3. En la antigüedad, un conde tenía gran poder sobre sus tierras.
    In ancient times, a count had great power over his lands.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "conde" is not commonly used in many idiomatic expressions, its historical significance and connection to nobility make it relevant in certain contexts. Below are examples of its usage in idiomatic and figurative expressions:

  1. Conde de la sierra
    En la película, el conde de la sierra es visto como un héroe trágico.
    In the movie, the Count of the Sierra is portrayed as a tragic hero.

  2. Contar como un conde
    Siempre gasta más de lo que necesita; ¡ella cuenta como un conde!
    She always spends more than she needs; she counts like a count!

  3. A lo conde
    El evento fue planeado a lo conde, con una elegancia y sofisticación notable.
    The event was planned in a count's manner, with remarkable elegance and sophistication.


The word "conde" originates from the Latin term "comes," which means companion or associate, and in a more specific sense it referred to a member of the nobility, thus evolving into the modern Spanish term for a "count." Over time, the title has been adopted across various European languages with similar meanings.

Synonyms and Antonyms



This comprehensive analysis covers the multifaceted nature of the term "conde," revealing its significance in language and culture.
