condenado - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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condenado (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Condenado" is primarily used as an adjective and can also function as a noun.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

In Spanish, "condenado" generally refers to a person who has been legally condemned or sentenced, often in a criminal context. It can describe someone who has been found guilty by a court of law. The term may be used frequently in legal discussions and matters, particularly in countries like Chile, where it can denote someone serving time in prison or someone viewed negatively due to their actions.

The term has a moderate frequency of use, often appearing in both oral speech and written contexts, especially in legal or news reporting situations.

Example Sentences

  1. El condenado fue sentenciado a diez años de prisión por fraude.
  2. The convicted was sentenced to ten years in prison for fraud.

  3. Muchos condenados se niegan a arrepentirse de sus crímenes.

  4. Many convicts refuse to repent for their crimes.

  5. La opinión pública a menudo critica la vida de un condenado.

  6. Public opinion often criticizes the life of a convict.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "condenado" is primarily a straightforward legal term, it can also appear in various idiomatic expressions, typically related to a sense of doom or being trapped.

Example Sentences with Idiomatic Expressions

  1. Estar condenado a la soledad.
  2. To be doomed to loneliness.

  3. Se siente condenado a repetir los mismos errores.

  4. He feels doomed to repeat the same mistakes.

  5. Ella dijo que está condenada a vivir con este secreto.

  6. She said she is doomed to live with this secret.

  7. No quiero estar condenado a una vida sin propósito.

  8. I don’t want to be doomed to a life without purpose.

  9. Siento que mi suerte está condenada.

  10. I feel like my luck is condemned.


The word "condenado" derives from the Latin "condemnatus," which stems from "condemnare," meaning to condemn. It carries the same roots related to disapproval and sentencing.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Sentenciado (sentenced) - Penalizado (penalized) - Convicto (convict)

Antonyms: - Absuelto (acquitted) - Exonerado (exonerated) - Libre (free)

In summary, "condenado" is a versatile term principally used in legal contexts, with its meanings and usages enriched by various idiomatic expressions reflecting human experiences of judgment and consequence.
