condescendiente - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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condescendiente (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Use

The word "condescendiente" describes an attitude where someone behaves in a superior manner towards others, often implying a sense of superiority or a sense of looking down at others. It is frequently used in both written and spoken contexts, particularly in discussions about interpersonal relationships, social dynamics, and communication styles. The term carries a negative connotation, suggesting that the person being described is not truly respectful or equal to the others in the interaction.

Example Sentences

  1. Su tono condescendiente me hizo sentir incómodo en la reunión.
  2. His condescending tone made me feel uncomfortable in the meeting.

  3. Ella tiene una actitud condescendiente hacia sus compañeros de trabajo.

  4. She has a condescending attitude towards her co-workers.

  5. Es mejor evitar un lenguaje condescendiente al hablar con los estudiantes.

  6. It’s better to avoid condescending language when speaking with students.

Idiomatic Expressions

Although "condescendiente" is not commonly found in many idiomatic expressions, it can be used in various phrases to illustrate attitudes or behaviors that reflect its meaning. Here are some idiomatic usages:

  1. Tratar a alguien de condescendiente
  2. No me trates de condescendiente, no soy inferior a ti.
  3. Don't treat me condescendingly; I'm not inferior to you.

  4. Adoptar una postura condescendiente

  5. Adoptar una postura condescendiente no ayuda a resolver conflictos.
  6. Adopting a condescending stance does not help to resolve conflicts.

  7. Hablar con un tono condescendiente

  8. Hablar con un tono condescendiente puede ofender a las personas.
  9. Speaking with a condescending tone can offend people.

  10. Actuar de manera condescendiente

  11. Actuar de manera condescendiente solo aleja a los amigos.
  12. Acting in a condescending manner only drives friends away.

  13. Mirar con condescendiencia

  14. Mirar con condescendencia no es una forma de ganar respeto.
  15. Looking down condescendingly is not a way to gain respect.


The term "condescendiente" comes from the Latin root condescendere, which means "to descend together" or "to stoop down." The prefix "con-" indicates togetherness, while "descendere" refers to descending or lowering oneself. Over time, the connotative meaning evolved to signify a patronizing or superior attitude towards others.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Patronizante - Despectivo - Superior

Antonyms: - Humilde - Respetuoso - Igualitario
