condimento - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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condimento (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The word "condimento" refers to a substance—often a sauce, spice, or herb—that is added to food to enhance its flavor. In Spanish, it is commonly used in both oral and written contexts, although food-related discussions may lead to more frequent oral usage.

Example Sentences

  1. El condimento más común en la cocina mexicana es el chile.
    The most common seasoning in Mexican cuisine is chili.

  2. Prefiero usar un condimento casero en lugar de uno industrial.
    I prefer to use a homemade condiment instead of a store-bought one.

  3. Añadí un poco de condimento a la salsa para darle más sabor.
    I added a bit of seasoning to the sauce to give it more flavor.

Idiomatic Expressions

Although "condimento" is not commonly featured in idiomatic expressions, it can still be linked to various culinary phrases that emphasize flavor enhancement or the importance of adding variety to experiences, whether culinary or metaphorical.

  1. Sazonar la vida
  2. Es importante sazonar la vida con nuevas experiencias.
    It's important to spice up life with new experiences.

  3. Condimentos de la amistad

  4. Los condimentos de la amistad son la confianza y el respeto.
    The seasonings of friendship are trust and respect.

  5. Dar sabor a la rutina

  6. A veces necesitamos un condimento para dar sabor a la rutina diaria.
    Sometimes we need a seasoning to spice up the daily routine.


The word "condimento" comes from the Latin "condimentum," which means "something that is added to improve taste." This Latin term is derived from "condire," meaning "to season" or "to preserve."


