condonar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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condonar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

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Meaning and Usage

The term "condonar" primarily refers to the act of forgiving a debt, obligation, or wrongdoing. In legal contexts, it is often used to describe the act of forgiving financial obligations or legal penalties. The word can also be used in a broader sense to refer to excusing or overlooking a fault or mistake.

Example Sentences

  1. El banco decidió condonar parte de la deuda del cliente.
  2. The bank decided to forgive part of the customer's debt.

  3. Es importante condonar los errores del pasado para avanzar.

  4. It is important to condone past mistakes in order to move forward.

  5. La ley permite condonar las multas en ciertos casos.

  6. The law allows for the remission of fines in certain cases.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Condonar" appears less frequently in idiomatic expressions but can still be relevant in specific contexts pertaining to forgiveness and debts.

  1. Condonar las deudas:
  2. "Algunos gobiernos deciden condonar las deudas de los países en vías de desarrollo."
  3. "Some governments decide to forgive the debts of developing countries."

  4. Condonar errores:

  5. "Condonar errores ajenos es un signo de madurez."
  6. "Forgiving others' mistakes is a sign of maturity."

  7. Condonar responsabilidades:

  8. "No podemos condonar las responsabilidades de los líderes."
  9. "We cannot condone the responsibilities of the leaders."


The word "condonar" comes from the Latin "condonare", which is composed of "con-" meaning "with" or "together" and "donare", meaning "to give". Thus, it carries the connotation of giving away or forgiving something owed.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Perdonar (to forgive) - Eximir (to exempt) - Remitir (to remit)

Antonyms: - Cobrar (to collect) - Exigir (to demand) - Acusar (to accuse)

This thorough overview of "condonar" reflects its usage, meanings, and significance in both general and legal contexts in the Spanish language.
