conducta - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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conducta (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Conducta is a feminine noun.

Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

Conducta refers to the way a person behaves or acts, particularly in relation to social norms and expectations. It's used in various contexts, including psychology, sociology, and law, to describe a person's actions and behaviors. The term is quite common in both oral and written Spanish, often appearing in formal and informal contexts.

Example Sentences

  1. La conducta de los niños es a menudo influenciada por su entorno familiar.
  2. The behavior of children is often influenced by their family environment.

  3. Es importante analizar la conducta de los testigos durante el juicio.

  4. It is important to analyze the conduct of witnesses during the trial.

  5. La salud mental de una persona puede verse afectada por su conducta.

  6. A person's mental health can be affected by their behavior.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "conducta" itself is not commonly found in many idiomatic expressions, it can serve as a key component in phrases that relate to behavior. Here are some expressions that involve the concept of "conducta":

  1. La conducta adecuada - The appropriate behavior
  2. Es importante demostrar la conducta adecuada en situaciones formales.
  3. It is important to demonstrate appropriate behavior in formal situations.

  4. Conducta desviada - Deviant behavior

  5. La conducta desviada puede ser un signo de problemas emocionales.
  6. Deviant behavior can be a sign of emotional problems.

  7. Modificar la conducta - To modify behavior

  8. Los terapeutas trabajan para modificar la conducta de sus pacientes.
  9. Therapists work to modify the behavior of their patients.

  10. Conducta ejemplar - Exemplary conduct

  11. Su conducta ejemplar fue reconocida por la comunidad.
  12. Her exemplary conduct was recognized by the community.

  13. Conducta agresiva - Aggressive behavior

  14. La conducta agresiva puede resultar perjudicial para las relaciones interpersonales.
  15. Aggressive behavior can be detrimental to interpersonal relationships.


The word "conducta" comes from the Latin "conducta," which means "leading" or "behavior," derived from the verb "ducere," meaning "to lead." The use of the term has evolved over time to encompass broader meanings in modern Spanish.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Comportamiento (behavior) - Actitud (attitude) - Manera de actuar (way of acting)

Antonyms: - Desconducta (misconduct) - Indisciplina (indiscipline) - Caos (chaos)

This comprehensive overview of "conducta" highlights its significance in various aspects of language and behavior.
