conducto - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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conducto (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Conducto is a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

Conducto refers to a tube, channel, or passage through which substances (such as fluids or air) can flow. In medicine, it often describes a tube-like structure in the body, like the bile duct or blood vessels. In general usage, it can also refer to any means of transmission or movement.

It is a term frequently used in both technical and medical contexts, and can be found in both oral and written Spanish. However, its usage is more prevalent in specific fields like medicine, engineering, and anatomy.

Example Sentences

  1. "El conducto auditivo es esencial para la audición."
  2. "The auditory canal is essential for hearing."

  3. "El médico examinó el conducto biliar en su paciente."

  4. "The doctor examined the bile duct in his patient."

  5. "El aire pasa a través del conducto de ventilación."

  6. "Air flows through the ventilation duct."

Idiomatic Expressions

While conducto itself may not frequently appear in idiomatic expressions, it can be part of phrases that imply a flow of information or materials. Here are some examples:

  1. "A través de este conducto, se realizan las comunicaciones."
  2. "Through this channel, communications occur."

  3. "El conducto de la información se ha vuelto más eficiente."

  4. "The conduit of information has become more efficient."

  5. "Buscamos un conducto para transmitir nuestras ideas."

  6. "We are looking for a channel to communicate our ideas."

  7. "Seré tu conducto para las noticias importantes."

  8. "I will be your conduit for important news."


The word conducto comes from Latin "conductus," the past participle of "conducere," which means 'to lead together'. The roots can also be traced to "ducere," which means 'to lead' or 'to draw'.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - canal - tubo - pasaje - vía

Antonyms: - obstrucción (obstruction) - bloqueo (blockage)

This comprehensive understanding of the term conducto highlights its relevance in various contexts, both technical and day-to-day language usage.
