conferir - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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conferir (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "conferir" is a verb.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

  1. To confer
  2. To grant
  3. To bestow
  4. To attribute
  5. To award

Meaning and Usage

"Conferir" is used primarily as a transitive verb in Spanish. It means to bestow or grant something, such as a title or right. It is also used in the context of comparing information or documents. The frequency of use is relatively common in both oral and written contexts, especially in legal, academic, and formal situations where titles, rights, or merits are discussed.

Example Sentences

  1. Conferir el título de doctor a los graduados es un acto solemne.
  2. Confering the title of doctor to the graduates is a solemn act.

  3. Es importante conferir todos los documentos antes de tomar una decisión.

  4. It is important to confer all documents before making a decision.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "conferir" may not be central to many idiomatic expressions, its root meaning lends itself to several contexts where the act of giving or attributing significance is important.

Here are some related idiomatic expressions:

  1. Conferir una distinción
  2. To confer a distinction
  3. El gobierno decidió conferir una distinción a los héroes de la comunidad.
  4. The government decided to confer a distinction to the heroes of the community.

  5. Conferir poder

  6. To confer power
  7. El nuevo tratado busca conferir poder a las autoridades locales para mejorar la seguridad.
  8. The new treaty seeks to confer power to local authorities to enhance security.

  9. Conferir un premio

  10. To confer an award
  11. La academia decidió conferir un premio a la mejor película del año.
  12. The academy decided to confer an award for the best film of the year.


The word "conferir" comes from the Latin "conferre," which means "to bring together" (from "con-" meaning "together" and "ferre" meaning "to carry"). This etymology reflects the essence of the word, relating to bringing or granting something together.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Otorgar (to grant) - Asignar (to assign) - Dar (to give) - Becer (to bestow)

Antonyms: - Retirar (to withdraw) - Negar (to deny) - Quitar (to take away)
