confiable - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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confiable (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The word "confiable" is used in Spanish to describe someone or something that can be trusted or relied upon. It implies a sense of security and assurance regarding the integrity or capability of the subject in question.

In terms of frequency, "confiable" is used in both oral and written contexts; however, it is more commonly used in written contexts, particularly in formal communications, contracts, or discussions related to law and governance.

Example Sentences

  1. La empresa siempre entrega productos confiables a sus clientes.
  2. The company always delivers reliable products to its customers.

  3. Es una persona muy confiable que nunca te fallará.

  4. He is a very dependable person who will never let you down.

  5. Necesitamos un sistema confiable para manejar los datos.

  6. We need a trustworthy system to handle the data.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "confiable" is frequently included in expressions that highlight trust and reliability. Here are some idiomatic expressions that use "confiable":

  1. Persona confiable
  2. Tienes que buscar a alguien que sea una persona confiable para este trabajo.
  3. You need to find someone who is a reliable person for this job.

  4. Fuente confiable

  5. Siempre verifica la información con una fuente confiable.
  6. Always verify the information with a trustworthy source.

  7. Sistema confiable

  8. Un sistema de energía confiable es esencial para la industria.
  9. A reliable energy system is essential for the industry.

  10. Amigo confiable

  11. Un amigo confiable es difícil de encontrar, pero muy valioso.
  12. A trustworthy friend is hard to find but very valuable.

  13. Opinión confiable

  14. Antes de tomar una decisión, busca una opinión confiable.
  15. Before making a decision, seek a reliable opinion.


The word "confiable" originates from the Spanish verb "confiar," which means "to trust." The suffix "-able" indicates that the subject can be trusted, thus forming the adjective "confiable." This construction is common in Spanish, attaching characteristics to verbs.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Fiable (trustworthy, reliable) - Seguro (secure) - Credible (credible)

Antonyms: - Infiable (untrustworthy) - Incógnito (unsure) - Dudoso (doubtful)
