confiado - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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confiado (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Confiado" is an adjective in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription

The phonetic transcription of "confiado" using the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is /konˈfjaðo/.

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

"Confiado" describes a state of being self-assured, believing in one's own abilities or being trusting towards someone or something. In Spanish, it can refer to a feeling of security or certainty, often in personal abilities or the reliability of others.

In terms of frequency of use, "confiado" is used commonly in both oral and written contexts, but you may find it more frequently in conversational situations where personal feelings of trust or confidence are expressed.

Example Sentences

  1. Él se siente confiado cuando habla en público.
  2. He feels confident when speaking in public.

  3. Siempre está confiado en las decisiones que toma.

  4. He is always confident in the decisions he makes.

  5. Ella es una persona muy confiada en sí misma.

  6. She is a very confident person in herself.

Idiomatic Expressions Involving "Confiado"

"Confiado" is often used in various idiomatic expressions which convey trust or ease. Here are some examples:

  1. Estar confiado en algo / en alguien.
  2. To be confident in something/someone.
  3. Ejemplo: Estoy confiado en que él completará el proyecto a tiempo.

    • I am confident that he will complete the project on time.
  4. Confiado como un niño.

  5. Trusting like a child.
  6. Ejemplo: A veces, es bueno ser confiado como un niño y ver el mundo de manera simple.

    • Sometimes, it is good to be trusting like a child and see the world simply.
  7. No te confíes demasiado.

  8. Don’t get too confident.
  9. Ejemplo: No te confíes demasiado en tu habilidad; siempre hay margen de error.
    • Don’t get too confident in your ability; there is always room for error.


The word "confiado" is derived from the verb "confiar," which comes from the Latin "confidāre." The Latin "confidāre" is made up of "con-" meaning "with" and "fidāre," meaning "to trust," from "fides," which means "faith" or "trust."

Synonyms and Antonyms



This comprehensive overview provides essential information about "confiado," including its meaning, usage, and related expressions in the Spanish language.
