confidencia - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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confidencia (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

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Meaning and Usage

"Confidencia" in Spanish generally refers to a private or secret conversation or a level of trust between individuals. It can also specifically denote the concept of confidentiality, especially in legal or professional contexts. The word is used frequently in both oral and written forms but is particularly common in discussions involving relationships, secrets, and psychology.

Example Sentences

  1. La confidencia entre amigos es fundamental para fortalecer la amistad.
    The confidence between friends is fundamental to strengthen the friendship.

  2. Siempre guardo la confidencia de mis clientes con mucho cuidado.
    I always keep my clients' confidentiality with great care.

  3. Ella se sintió cómoda al compartir esa confidencia conmigo.
    She felt comfortable sharing that confidence with me.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Confidencia" is often used in various idiomatic expressions, which denote the importance of trust and confidentiality in different contexts.

  1. Hacer una confidencia.
    To make a confession.
  2. Example: Necesito hacerte una confidencia sobre lo que pasó anoche.
    I need to make a confession to you about what happened last night.

  3. Estar en confianza.
    To be in confidence/feel at ease.

  4. Example: Solo en confianza, puedo contarte que busco un nuevo trabajo.
    Only in confidence can I tell you that I am looking for a new job.

  5. Entrar en confidencia.
    To enter into a confidential conversation.

  6. Example: Cuando entramos en confidencia, te contaré todos los detalles.
    When we enter into confidence, I will tell you all the details.

  7. Confiar en alguien.
    To trust someone.

  8. Example: Es importante confiar en alguien antes de hacer una confidencia.
    It's important to trust someone before making a confidence.


The word "confidencia" originates from the Latin "confidentia," which means "firm trust" or "assurance." This Latin root is derived from "confidere," which means "to trust" or "to have faith in." The transition from Latin to modern Spanish retained similar meanings around trust and confidentiality.

Synonyms and Antonyms
