confidente - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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confidente (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Confidente is a noun.

Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Use

The term confidente refers to a person to whom one confides secrets or private matters. In a legal context, it can denote someone who is trusted with sensitive information, which can have implications in cases involving confidentiality agreements or privileged communication.

In Spanish, confidente is commonly used to describe a close friend or adviser who is trusted with personal information. The word is fairly frequent in both spoken and written contexts, although it may appear more often in written forms in legal documents and literary texts.

Example Sentences

  1. Juan es mi confidente; siempre le cuento mis problemas.
    Juan is my confidant; I always tell him my problems.

  2. La abogada se convirtió en su confidente durante el complicado juicio.
    The lawyer became her confidante during the complicated trial.

  3. No le digas a nadie mi secreto; solo tú eres mi confidente.
    Don't tell anyone my secret; only you are my confidant.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word confidente is not widely featured in idiomatic expressions specifically, but it can be used in various phrases to illustrate trust and secrecy. Here are a few contexts:

  1. Ser el confidente de alguien
    To be someone’s confidant
    Ella se siente afortunada de ser el confidente de su hermana.
    She feels lucky to be her sister's confidante.

  2. Tener un confidente
    To have a confidant
    Es importante tener un confidente en quien confiar tus preocupaciones.
    It is important to have a confidant to trust your worries with.

  3. Confiar a un confidente
    To confide in a confidant
    Decidí confiarle mis temores a mi confidente de toda la vida.
    I decided to confide my fears to my lifelong confidant.

  4. Confidente de secretos
    Confidant of secrets
    Ella siempre ha sido confidente de mis secretos más profundos.
    She has always been the confidant of my deepest secrets.


The word confidente comes from the Latin "confidens," which means "trusting" or "having trust." The Latin root "confidere" translates to "to trust," emphasizing the element of trust central to the concept of a confidant.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Amigo íntimo (close friend) - Consejero (counselor) - Confesor (confessor)

Antonyms: - Desconocido (stranger) - Enemigo (enemy) - Rival (rival)

Using confidente in various contexts illustrates its significance in relationships characterized by trust and confidentiality, especially in personal and legal matters.
