confinado - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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confinado (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The term "confinado" refers to a state of being restricted or isolated, either physically or metaphorically. In a legal context, it may relate to someone who is imprisoned or under some form of confinement. In general usage, it can describe a person or substance that is kept within certain limits or boundaries.

In the Spanish language, "confinado" can be used both in oral and written contexts, but it may be more prevalent in written texts, especially in legal or technical documents.

Example Sentences

  1. El prisionero fue confinado en una celda aislada durante su sentencia.
  2. The prisoner was confined to an isolated cell during his sentence.

  3. Durante la pandemia, muchas personas se sintieron confinadas en sus hogares.

  4. During the pandemic, many people felt confined in their homes.

  5. El acceso al área de construcción estaba confinado solo al personal autorizado.

  6. Access to the construction area was confined only to authorized personnel.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "confinado" itself may not be a central part of many idiomatic expressions, similar concepts can be found in phrases dealing with restriction or limitation.

Example Sentences with Related Idioms

  1. Estar confinado en cuatro paredes es realmente agotador.
  2. Being confined within four walls is truly exhausting.

  3. La mente confina a veces nuestras aspiraciones más grandes.

  4. The mind sometimes confines our greatest aspirations.

  5. Sentirse confinado a sus circunstancias no es lo que se quiere en la vida.

  6. Feeling confined by one’s circumstances is not what one wants in life.


The word "confinado" originates from the Latin "confīnāre," meaning to confine, limit, or enclose. This itself derives from the prefix “con-” (with, together) and “finis” (end or boundary).

Synonyms and Antonyms



This comprehensive view of "confinado" reveals its various nuances in meaning and usage across different contexts in the Spanish language, particularly in law and general discourse.
