confinar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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confinar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Verbo (verb)

Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

"Confinar" is a verb in Spanish that means to restrict or limit something within a certain space or context. It can refer to physically confining someone or something, as well as metaphorically limiting ideas, rights, or freedom. It is used fairly frequently in both oral and written contexts, particularly in legal and academic discourse.

Example Sentences

  1. "Decidieron confinar a los sospechosos en una habitación segura."
    "They decided to confine the suspects in a secure room."

  2. "El juez ordenó confinar al acusado hasta el juicio."
    "The judge ordered to confine the accused until the trial."

  3. "No debemos confinar nuestras ideas a un solo punto de vista."
    "We should not confine our ideas to a single point of view."

Idiomatic Expressions

"Confinar" may not be commonly found in idiomatic expressions per se, but it can be used in several phrases that express limitations, boundaries, or restrictions. Here are some related examples:

  1. "Confinar la libertad"
    "To confine freedom"
    Refers to the act of limiting someone's freedom or rights.
    "En tiempos de crisis, es fácil confinar la libertad de los ciudadanos."
    "In times of crisis, it is easy to confine the freedom of citizens."

  2. "Confinar en un rincón"
    "To confine in a corner"
    Used metaphorically to describe putting someone in a position where they feel trapped or without options.
    "Sus decisiones lo confinaron en un rincón difícil."
    "His decisions confined him in a difficult corner."

  3. "Confinar a la oscuridad"
    "To confine to darkness"
    Refers to isolating something or someone from knowledge or awareness.
    "El secreto fue confinado a la oscuridad durante años."
    "The secret was confined to darkness for years."


The word "confinar" originates from the Latin "confinare," which means "to border" or "to limit." The prefix "con-" means "together" and "finis" means "end" or "boundary."

Synonyms and Antonyms

Sinónimos (Synonyms): - Restringir (to restrict) - Limitar (to limit) - Encerrar (to enclose)

Antónimos (Antonyms): - Liberar (to free) - Expansar (to expand) - Ampliar (to broaden)

This comprehensive analysis of "confinar" provides insights into its meaning, usage, and related expressions within the Spanish language.
