confirmar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
ChatGPT AI Dictionary

confirmar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Verbo (verb)

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The verb "confirmar" is used in Spanish to mean to validate or affirm the truth or validity of something. It is commonly used in various contexts including general conversation, economics (e.g., confirming an appointment), law (e.g., confirming a legal fact), and clerical work (e.g., confirming receipt of documents).

The frequency of the word "confirmar" is quite high in both oral and written contexts, given its importance in communication and administration. The word is more frequently found in written form, especially in formal communications, emails, and legal documents.

Example Sentences

  1. Necesito confirmar la reunión para mañana.
    I need to confirm the meeting for tomorrow.

  2. El abogado debe confirmar los hechos antes de proceder.
    The lawyer must confirm the facts before proceeding.

  3. Ella llamó para confirmar su asistencia a la fiesta.
    She called to confirm her attendance at the party.

Idiomatic Expressions

The verb "confirmar" is frequently part of idiomatic expressions, particularly in formal or professional settings. Here are a few examples:

  1. Confirmar el recibo
    To confirm receipt
    E.g., Debes confirmar el recibo del contrato enviado.
    You must confirm the receipt of the sent contract.

  2. Confirmar una cita
    To confirm an appointment
    E.g., Es importante confirmar la cita antes de ir.
    It is important to confirm the appointment before going.

  3. Confirmar un hecho
    To confirm a fact
    E.g., El informe ayudará a confirmar un hecho importante.
    The report will help to confirm an important fact.

  4. Confirmar la presencia
    To confirm attendance
    E.g., Se les solicitó confirmar la presencia en la conferencia.
    They were asked to confirm attendance at the conference.

  5. Confirmar datos
    To confirm data
    E.g., Necesitamos confirmar los datos antes de enviar el informe.
    We need to confirm the data before sending the report.


The word "confirmar" originates from the Latin "confirmare," which is composed of the prefix "con-" meaning "with" and "firmare" meaning "to make firm." Thus, it conveys the idea of making something stronger or more certain.

Synonyms and Antonyms



This comprehensive breakdown provides insight into the word "confirmar," covering its usage, presence in idiomatic expressions, and relevant linguistic details.
