confluencia - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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confluencia (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Noun (feminine)

Phonetic Transcription

/kon.fluˈen.θja/ (in Spain)
/kɔn.fluˈɛn.ʃa/ (in Latin America)

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The term "confluencia" refers to the point at which two or more entities meet or merge, particularly in geography where it describes the joining of rivers. It has a broader metaphorical application in contexts such as ideas, cultures, or events coming together.

In Spanish, "confluencia" is a formal term primarily used in written contexts, such as academic discourse, literature, and official documents, although it is also applicable in spoken language, especially in geographical discussions or when describing events or ideas merging.

Example Sentences

  1. La confluencia de los ríos Amazonas y Negro es un espectáculo natural impresionante.
    The confluence of the Amazon and Negro rivers is an impressive natural spectacle.

  2. La confluencia de diferentes culturas en esta ciudad la hace muy rica en tradiciones.
    The confluence of different cultures in this city makes it very rich in traditions.

  3. La confluencia de ideas en la conferencia inspiró a muchos asistentes.
    The confluence of ideas at the conference inspired many attendees.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "confluencia" itself is not frequently used in many idiomatic expressions, it can function in contexts that discuss the convergence of various elements. Here are some phrases that utilize the concept of confluence metaphorically or literally:

  1. La confluencia de intereses
    "La confluencia de intereses entre las empresas creativas promovió la innovación."
    The confluence of interests among creative companies promoted innovation.

  2. En la confluencia de caminos
    "En la confluencia de caminos, decidimos tomar la ruta menos transitada."
    At the confluence of roads, we decided to take the less traveled path.

  3. Confluencia de voces
    "La confluencia de voces en el coro era armoniosa y poderosa."
    The confluence of voices in the choir was harmonious and powerful.

  4. Un punto de confluencia
    "Buscar un punto de confluencia en sus opiniones fue esencial para la negociación."
    Finding a point of confluence in their opinions was essential for the negotiation.

  5. Confluencia de eventos
    "La confluencia de eventos históricos creó un cambio significativo en la política."
    The confluence of historical events created a significant change in politics.


The word "confluencia" originates from Latin "confluens," which is the present participle of "confluĕre," meaning "to flow together." This etymology underlines the concept of merging or coming together, which is central to the meaning of the term.



Through these attributes, "confluencia" can be appreciated both in geography and as a metaphorical expression for various fields, particularly in discussions surrounding the merging of ideas, cultures, or events.
