confortable - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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confortable (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The word "confortable" refers to something that provides physical or mental comfort, making a person feel at ease or relaxed. In the Spanish language, "confortable" is used frequently in both oral and written contexts, often in discussions related to furniture, clothing, and environments that contribute to a pleasant experience. It is more common in written forms, such as product descriptions or reviews.

Frequency of Use: Moderate to high

Oral vs. Written Context: More commonly seen in written contexts, particularly in formal descriptions.

Example Sentences

  1. La silla de esta oficina es muy confortable para trabajar largas horas.
  2. The office chair is very comfortable for working long hours.

  3. Me encanta el clima de esta región, es verdaderamente confortable.

  4. I love the climate of this region; it is truly comfortable.

  5. Este sofá es tan confortable que me quedaría dormido en él.

  6. This sofa is so comfortable that I would fall asleep on it.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "confortable" itself does not appear frequently in idioms, the concept of comfort is often associated with feelings of well-being. Below are some idiomatic expressions that convey a sense of comfort or ease:

  1. Estar como en casa
  2. Translation: To be like at home.
  3. Example: Cuando estoy en la playa, me siento como en casa.
  4. Translation: When I'm at the beach, I feel like at home.

  5. Estar cómodo en la piel

  6. Translation: To be comfortable in one's own skin.
  7. Example: Desde que empezó a aceptarse, está más cómodo en la piel.
  8. Translation: Since he started accepting himself, he is more comfortable in his own skin.

  9. Hacer sentir como en casa

  10. Translation: To make someone feel at home.
  11. Example: Su hospitalidad me hizo sentir como en casa en su casa.
  12. Translation: His hospitality made me feel at home in his house.

  13. Tener un espacio confortable

  14. Translation: To have a comfortable space.
  15. Example: Para estudiar bien, es importante tener un espacio confortable.
  16. Translation: To study well, it's important to have a comfortable space.


The term "confortable" stems from the Latin root "confortare," which means to strengthen or make firm. It is related to "comfort," a term in English that shares the same linguistic heritage, emphasizing support and well-being.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Agradable (pleasant) - Cómodo (comfortable) - Placentero (pleasurable)

Antonyms: - Inconfortable (uncomfortable) - Desagradable (unpleasant) - Molesto (annoying)
