conga - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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conga (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

  1. Conga (as in the musical rhythm or dance)
  2. Conga drum

Meaning and Usage

The word "conga" refers to both a traditional Afro-Cuban musical rhythm and style of dance, as well as a type of drum used to play this music. The term is widely recognized in Latin American music, especially in the context of Cuban culture.

Example Sentences

  1. La conga es uno de los ritmos más populares en las fiestas cubanas.
  2. The conga is one of the most popular rhythms at Cuban parties.

  3. Ella sabe bailar la conga muy bien y siempre anima a los demás a unirse.

  4. She knows how to dance the conga very well and always encourages others to join in.

  5. El grupo de música tocará la conga en el carnaval este fin de semana.

  6. The band will play the conga at the carnival this weekend.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "conga" is prominently used in various idiomatic expressions related to celebration, music, and rhythm. Here are a few examples:

  1. Ir en conga - To go in a conga line.
  2. Example: Vamos a ir en conga al parque para celebrar el cumpleaños de Carlos.

    • Let's go in a conga line to the park to celebrate Carlos's birthday.
  3. Tocar la conga - To play the conga (as in drumming).

  4. Example: Él toca la conga con mucha pasión y ritmo.

    • He plays the conga with great passion and rhythm.
  5. Coger la conga - To catch the conga, often used in a playful or celebratory context.

  6. Example: Cuando suena la música, todos deben coger la conga y bailar.

    • When the music starts, everyone must catch the conga and dance.
  7. Bailar la conga - To dance the conga.

  8. Example: Durante la fiesta, todos se pusieron a bailar la conga en la pista.
    • During the party, everyone started dancing the conga on the dance floor.


The term "conga" originates from the name of a type of African drum used in Cuban music, which was brought to the island by enslaved Africans. The dance associated with this rhythm developed during the late 19th and early 20th centuries, evolving as a popular festive expression.

Synonyms and Antonyms

This comprehensive overview of "conga" illustrates its cultural significance and versatility in the Spanish language, especially within the context of music and dance.
