congeniar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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congeniar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word congeniar is a verb.

Phonetic Transcription

The phonetic transcription of congeniar using the International Phonetic Alphabet is /kon.xe.niˈaɾ/.

Translation Options into English

The most common translations for congeniar in English are: - To get along - To be congenial - To be compatible

Meaning and Usage

In Spanish, congeniar means to form a friendly or compatible relationship with someone, suggesting a natural affinity or agreement between individuals. It is often used in contexts where people find common ground, interests, or values, leading to a harmonious connection.

Frequency of Use

Congeniar is a moderately used verb in Spanish, and it is applicable in both oral and written contexts, though it may appear more frequently in written forms, such as articles, literature, and formal conversations.

Example Sentences

  1. No puedo creer que hayamos congeniado tan bien desde el primer día.
  2. I can't believe we got along so well from the first day.

  3. Es fácil congeniar con ella porque tenemos muchos intereses en común.

  4. It is easy to get along with her because we have many interests in common.

  5. Los dos artistas congeniaron rápidamente y decidieron trabajar juntos.

  6. The two artists got along quickly and decided to work together.

Idiomatic Expressions

Although congeniar does not belong to many idiomatic expressions, the concept of compatibility and congeniality can surface in various phrases and proverbs referring to relationships and commonality. Here are some related expressions:

  1. Congeniar con alguien
  2. Siempre he congeniado con mis compañeros de trabajo.
  3. I have always gotten along with my coworkers.

  4. Congeniar a la perfección

  5. Sue y Tomás congenian a la perfección en su forma de trabajar.
  6. Sue and Tomás get along perfectly in their way of working.

  7. No congeniar con alguien

  8. A veces, no congenio con algunas personas y eso es normal.
  9. Sometimes, I don't get along with some people, and that is normal.

  10. Congeniar como dos gotas de agua

  11. Es impresionante ver cómo congenian como dos gotas de agua.
  12. It's impressive to see how they get along like two peas in a pod.


The verb congeniar comes from the Latin word congeniāre, which means "to be born together," from con- (together) and genus (kind, race, or origin). This reflects the idea of having a shared origin or commonality with others.

Synonyms and Antonyms


