congestionado - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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congestionado (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The term "congestionado" refers to a state of being blocked or overcrowded, often used in medical contexts to describe situations involving the respiratory system, such as nasal congestion. It can also be applied in general contexts to describe traffic or any situation where there is excessive accumulation of people or things.

Frequency of Use:
"Congestionado" is commonly used in both spoken and written Spanish, particularly in medical settings when discussing symptoms related to colds, allergies, or respiratory issues. In casual conversation, it can also refer to traffic conditions or crowded situations.

Example Sentences

  1. El paciente está congestionado y necesita un descongestionante.
    The patient is congested and needs a decongestant.

  2. La ciudad está congestionada de tráfico a esta hora.
    The city is congested with traffic at this hour.

  3. El médico dijo que su nariz está congestionada por la alergia.
    The doctor said that his nose is congested due to allergies.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "congestionado" does not feature prominently in idiomatic expressions, the term can be incorporated into related phrases that convey a sense of overcrowding or blockage. Here are some examples:

  1. Estar congestionado de trabajo.
    To be overwhelmed with work.
    (Refers to having an excessive amount of work, suggesting a blockage of productivity)

  2. La carretera está congestionada.
    The road is congested.
    (Common phrase indicating heavy traffic due to too many vehicles)

  3. Sentirse congestionado emocionalmente.
    To feel emotionally congested.
    (Indicates an overwhelming feeling that hinders emotional expression)

  4. El mercado estaba congestionado de personas.
    The market was congested with people.
    (Describes a crowded market where movement is difficult due to the number of people)


The term "congestionado" comes from the verb "congestionar," which is derived from the Latin "congestio," meaning "to heap up" or "to gather together." This reflects the idea of accumulation, whether in the context of bodily fluids or populations.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Atascado (blocked) - Saturado (saturated) - Lleno (full)

Antonyms: - Despejado (clear) - Libre (free) - Vacío (empty)

This overview provides a comprehensive look at the word "congestionado," discussing its meaning, usage, and related idiomatic expressions.
