conglomerado - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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conglomerado (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Noun (sustantivo)

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

In Spanish, "conglomerado" refers to a mass or collection of various elements that are grouped together. It is commonly used in various contexts including economics (referring to conglomerate companies), geology (referring to a type of rock), and general usage implying a collection of items or components.

The word has a moderate frequency of use, particularly in written contexts such as reports and academic articles, but it is also used in oral speech when discussing relevant topics.

Example Sentences

  1. El conglomerado de empresas adquirió una nueva compañía el año pasado.
    The conglomerate of companies acquired a new firm last year.

  2. El anthropólogo estudió el conglomerado de culturas en esa región.
    The anthropologist studied the conglomerate of cultures in that region.

  3. En geología, un conglomerado se forma por la unión de fragmentos de otras rocas.
    In geology, a conglomerate is formed by the union of fragments of other rocks.

Idiomatic Expressions

Although "conglomerado" is not commonly used in idiomatic expressions, it can be involved in phrases relating to combinations and groups. Here are a few uses that expand its context:

  1. "El conglomerado de factores"
    The conglomerate of factors
  2. "Al analizar el problema, debemos considerar el conglomerado de factores que lo afectan."
    When analyzing the problem, we must consider the conglomerate of factors that affect it.

  3. "Conglomerado diverso"
    Diverse conglomerate

  4. "La ciudad es un conglomerado diverso de culturas y tradiciones."
    The city is a diverse conglomerate of cultures and traditions.

  5. "Conglomerado de ideas"
    Conglomerate of ideas

  6. "El proyecto es un conglomerado de ideas innovadoras de varios autores."
    The project is a conglomerate of innovative ideas from various authors.


The term "conglomerado" comes from the Latin "conglomeratus," which means 'to roll together.' The root "glomerare" signifies 'to wind into a ball' or 'to gather' and has origins in the idea of assembly or accumulation.

Synonyms and Antonyms



This comprehensive overview should provide a clear understanding of the word "conglomerado" in various contexts.
