congregar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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congregar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Congregar is a verb.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

Congregar is used to refer to the act of bringing together people or things into a group or assembly. In legal and general contexts, it may refer to assembling individuals for a meeting, event, or purpose. It is a transitive verb, often used in discussions about gatherings, meetings, or collective events.

Regarding its frequency, "congregar" is somewhat common in both oral speech and written contexts, with slightly more prevalence in spoken language, especially in community and social contexts.

Example Sentences

  1. La iglesia decidió congregar a todos los feligreses para la misa.
    The church decided to gather all the parishioners for the mass.

  2. Es importante congregar a la familia para celebrar ocasiones especiales.
    It is important to assemble the family to celebrate special occasions.

  3. Los organizadores pretenden congregar a miles de personas en la manifestación.
    The organizers intend to gather thousands of people at the demonstration.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "congregar" itself may not be a component of idiomatic expressions, it plays a significant role when referring to gatherings within a cultural context. Here are some expressions related to the concept of gathering:

  1. Congregar a la comunidad:
    To gather the community.
    El evento fue diseñado para congregar a la comunidad y promover la unidad.
    The event was designed to gather the community and promote unity.

  2. Congregar fuerzas:
    To gather forces.
    Los líderes decidieron congregar fuerzas para enfrentar los desafíos.

    The leaders decided to gather forces to face the challenges.

  3. Congregar en torno a un objetivo:
    To gather around a goal.
    Es imprescindible congregar en torno a un objetivo común para lograr el éxito.

    It is essential to gather around a common goal to achieve success.

  4. No congregar en vano:
    Not to gather in vain.
    Cada reunión debe tener un propósito claro; no congregar en vano es esencial.
    Every meeting must have a clear purpose; not to gather in vain is essential.


The word congregar comes from the Latin term congregare, which is composed of the prefix con- meaning "together" and gregare, meaning "to gather" or "to group". It is rooted in the idea of bringing things or people together.

Synonyms and Antonyms



In summary, "congregar" is a versatile verb indicative of assembling or gathering, with various implications in both social and legal contexts, demonstrating flexibility in usage through its various synonyms and related expressions.
