congruente - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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congruente (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The word "congruente" is derived from the Latin "congruens," meaning “agreeing” or “suitable.” In the Spanish language, "congruente" is often used in various contexts to denote something that is compatible, consistent, or in agreement with something else. In mathematics, it is specifically used to describe figures or shapes that are congruent, meaning they have the same shape and size or specific mathematical properties. The term is used moderately frequently in both oral and written contexts, more so in academic and professional environments, including legal and mathematical discussions.

Example Sentences

  1. Las dos figuras son congruentes en todos sus lados.
    (The two figures are congruent in all their sides.)

  2. Su decisión fue congruente con sus principios éticos.
    (His decision was consistent with his ethical principles.)

  3. Es importante que el testimonio sea congruente con la evidencia presentada.
    (It is important that the testimony is consistent with the evidence presented.)

Idiomatic Expressions

"Congruente" is not commonly found in idiomatic expressions, but it can take on metaphorical meanings in conversations regarding harmony and compatibility. Here are some sentences that utilize the word in various contexts:

  1. El plan de desarrollo debe ser congruente con las necesidades de la comunidad.
    (The development plan must be consistent with the needs of the community.)

  2. Para lograr un buen resultado, todas las partes deben ser congruentes en sus esfuerzos.
    (To achieve a good result, all parties must be congruent in their efforts.)

  3. Es necesario que los objetivos sean congruentes con la misión de la empresa.
    (It is necessary that the objectives align with the mission of the company.)

  4. Sus acciones no son congruentes con lo que dice.
    (His actions are not consistent with what he says.)

  5. Las políticas del gobierno deben ser congruentes con los derechos humanos.
    (Government policies must be consistent with human rights.)

  6. La investigación necesita ser congruente con las teorías existentes.
    (The research needs to be consistent with existing theories.)


The word "congruente" originates from the Latin word "congruens," which is the present participle of "congruere," meaning "to agree, to correspond." Over time, it adapted into Spanish, maintaining a similar connotation of agreement and suitability.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - compatible - acorde - coherente

Antonyms: - incongruente (inconsistent) - incompatible (incompatible) - discordante (discordant)
