conjura - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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conjura (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word conjura is a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription

In International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA), conjura is transcribed as /konˈxu.ɾa/.

Translation Options into English

The word conjura can be translated into English as: - Conspiracy - Conjuration - Spell

Meaning and Usage

In Spanish, conjura has several meanings: 1. A conspiratorial agreement or plot, especially one against a person or group. 2. An invocation or summoning, often in the context of magical rituals. 3. A spell or charm, used in folkloric and supernatural contexts.

Its usage varies depending on context, and it can appear in both oral and written forms, with a frequent emphasis on legal and literary contexts.

Frequency of Use: The term is relatively common in legal texts and literature, but less so in everyday conversation.

Example Sentences

  1. La conjura de los nobles contra el rey fue un gran escándalo en la corte.
  2. The conspiracy of the nobles against the king was a great scandal at court.

  3. En la película, la protagonista descubre una conjura antigua que puede invocar espíritus.

  4. In the movie, the protagonist discovers an ancient conjuration that can summon spirits.

  5. La conjura de brujas fue un tema recurrente en las historias medievales.

  6. The spell of witches was a recurring theme in medieval stories.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word conjura is often used in various idiomatic expressions in Spanish, particularly in contexts that reflect secretive or deceitful actions.

  1. Hacer una conjura.
  2. To make a conspiracy.
  3. Ejemplo: Algunos oficiales hicieron una conjura para derrocar al gobierno.

    • Some officials made a conspiracy to overthrow the government.
  4. Caer en la conjura de los enemigos.

  5. To fall into the conspiracy of enemies.
  6. Ejemplo: El héroe de la historia cayó en la conjura de los enemigos distrayéndose.

    • The hero of the story fell into the conspiracy of his enemies while getting distracted.
  7. Desenmascarar una conjura.

  8. To unmask a conspiracy.
  9. Ejemplo: El detective logró desenmascarar la conjura antes de que fuera demasiado tarde.
    • The detective managed to unmask the conspiracy before it was too late.


The word conjura comes from the Latin conjurare, which means "to swear together" or "to plot". It combines the prefix con- (meaning "together") and jurare (meaning "to swear"). The term has evolved over time to encompass both legal and magical connotations.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Conspiración (Conspiracy) - Hechizo (Spell) - Invocación (Invocation)

Antonyms: - Revelación (Revelation) - in the context of revealing conspiracies
- Transparencia (Transparency) - in the context of openness against secrecy

This comprehensive overview of conjura highlights its multifaceted nature within language, culture, and legal discourse, illustrating its rich etymological roots and diverse applications.
