conmovedor - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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conmovedor (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

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Meaning and Usage

"Conmovedor" is an adjective used in Spanish to describe something that evokes strong emotions, typically of tenderness, sadness, or nostalgia. It is frequently used to express feelings provoked by stories, films, art, or experiences that elicit empathy and compassion. The word is commonly used in both oral and written contexts.

Frequency of Use

"Conmovedor" is often used in literary discussions, movie reviews, and emotional conversations. It is slightly more prevalent in written contexts such as articles, essays, and books, compared to oral speech, but is still widely understood and conveyed in everyday conversations.

Example Sentences

  1. La película fue tan conmovedora que muchos espectadores lloraron.
  2. The movie was so moving that many viewers cried.

  3. Su carta fue conmovedora y llena de sinceridad.

  4. Her letter was touching and full of sincerity.

  5. El discurso del profesor fue conmovedor y motivador para los estudiantes.

  6. The professor's speech was heartwarming and motivating for the students.

Idiomatic Expressions

Although "conmovedor" is primarily used in a stand-alone context, there are not many widely recognized idiomatic expressions specifically featuring this word. However, it can appear in more extended phrases that convey emotions. Here are some examples:

  1. Este relato es verdaderamente conmovedor y deja una huella en el corazón.
  2. This tale is truly moving and leaves a mark on the heart.

  3. Encontré un poema conmovedor que me hizo reflexionar sobre la vida.

  4. I found a touching poem that made me reflect on life.

  5. Las historias de supervivencia son especialmente conmovedoras.

  6. Survival stories are particularly moving.

  7. La música que eligieron para la ceremonia fue conmovedora y perfecta para el momento.

  8. The music they chose for the ceremony was touching and perfect for the moment.

  9. Este libro contiene pasajes conmovedores que me hicieron llorar.

  10. This book contains moving passages that made me cry.


The word "conmovedor" is derived from the verb "conmover," which means "to move" or "to stir" in a figurative sense. The prefix "con-" indicates a sense of togetherness or completeness, and "mover" comes from the Latin "movere," which means "to move." Thus, "conmovedor" conveys a sense of moving together with or feeling deeply.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Emotivo (emotional) - Afectivo (affective) - Tocante (touching)

Antonyms: - Indiferente (indifferent) - Frío (cold) - Insensible (insensitive)
