conmover - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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conmover (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Verbo (verb)

Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

"Conmover" is a transitive verb in Spanish that means to rouse strong feelings or emotions in someone. It is often used in contexts where an event, story, or experience evokes an emotional reaction, such as sadness, joy, nostalgia, or empathy. It conveys the idea of touching someone's heart or stirring deep feelings.

In terms of frequency, "conmover" is used in both oral speech and in writing, particularly in literature, storytelling, and personal narratives where emotions are conveyed. It might occur more frequently in written contexts such as reviews of films, books, or art that aim to describe the emotional impact.

Example Sentences

  1. La película logró conmover a toda la audiencia.
  2. The movie managed to move the entire audience.

  3. Su discurso conmovió a muchos durante la ceremonia.

  4. His speech touched many during the ceremony.

  5. La historia de vida de la anciana conmueve a cualquiera que la escuche.

  6. The life story of the elderly woman moves anyone who listens to it.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Conmover" is not commonly used in established idioms, as it is a more straightforward verb; however, it can be part of common phrases that capture emotional responses.

Example Sentences with Contextual Usage

  1. Esa canción siempre me conmueve a lágrimas.
  2. That song always moves me to tears.

  3. El relato sobre su infancia conmovió profundamente a los oyentes.

  4. The story about his childhood deeply moved the listeners.

  5. Su valentía en circunstancias difíciles conmueve y sirve de inspiración.

  6. His courage in difficult circumstances stirs and serves as inspiration.


The word "conmover" originates from the prefixed form of the verb "mover," which means "to move." The prefix "con-" serves to intensify the action, implying a deeper emotional movement rather than a mere physical one. Thus, "conmover" suggests a more profound, emotional stirring.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Emocionar (to excite) - Tocarse (to touch) - Afectar (to affect)

Antonyms: - Indiferente (indifferent) - Desensibilizar (to desensitize)

This compilation provides a comprehensive understanding of the word "conmover," its uses, and its emotional resonance within the Spanish language.
