conmutador - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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conmutador (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

  1. Switch
  2. Repeater
  3. Commutator

Meaning and Usage

"Conmutador" refers to a device or mechanism that directs or switches electrical signals or connections in various applications. In the context of electronics, it is often used to talk about switching mechanisms in electronic circuits or communication systems. In military contexts, it can also refer to command and control systems. The frequency of use varies by the specific domain, but it is generally more prevalent in written technical contexts, such as manuals or textbooks, compared to everyday oral speech.

Example Sentences

  1. El conmutador controla el flujo de energía en el circuito.
  2. The switch controls the flow of energy in the circuit.

  3. Necesitamos reemplazar el conmutador de la antigua central telefónica.

  4. We need to replace the repeater in the old telephone exchange.

  5. El ingeniero ajustó el conmutador para mejorar la calidad de la señal.

  6. The engineer adjusted the commutator to improve the signal quality.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "conmutador" itself may not be commonly found in many idiomatic expressions, the concept relates to switching and change. Here are some expressions that incorporate ideas of switching or changing:

  1. Hacer un cambio de conmutador - To switch gears
  2. A veces es necesario hacer un cambio de conmutador en la estrategia.
  3. Sometimes it's necessary to switch gears in the strategy.

  4. Estar en un punto de conmutación - To be at a turning point

  5. La empresa está en un punto de conmutación en su desarrollo.
  6. The company is at a turning point in its development.

  7. Conmutar en segundos - To switch in seconds

  8. Puedes conmutar en segundos entre diferentes aplicaciones en el ordenador.
  9. You can switch in seconds between different applications on the computer.


The word "conmutador" is derived from the Latin word "commutator," which means "one who exchanges." The prefix "con-" implies a together or joint action, while "mutar" means to change or alter. Therefore, the word conveys the idea of changing connections or states.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Interruptor (switch) - Cambiador (changer)

Antonyms: - Fijo (fixed) - Estático (static)

This comprehensive overview provides essential information about the word "conmutador" across various domains, as well as its usage, idiomatic expressions, and related linguistic details.
