conmutar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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conmutar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

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Meaning and Usage

The verb "conmutar" generally refers to the action of switching or toggling between two states or options. In the context of law, it can refer to the commutation of a sentence (e.g., reducing a prison sentence). In electronics and telecommunications, "conmutar" commonly relates to switching processes, such as changing connections in circuits or data transmission.

In Spanish, "conmutar" is used fairly frequently in both written and oral contexts, though its specific applications may vary across different domains. The term is common in technical fields, particularly in discussions related to electronics, telecommunications, and legal matters.

Example Sentences

  1. Voy a conmutar el circuito para activar la luz.
    I will switch the circuit to activate the light.

  2. La corte decidió conmutar la pena de muerte del prisionero.
    The court decided to commute the death sentence of the prisoner.

  3. Es importante conmutar entre diferentes modos de funcionamiento en este dispositivo.
    It is important to switch between different operating modes on this device.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Conmutar" is also found in various idiomatic expressions, usually reflecting the dichotomy of choices or states. Here are some usages:

  1. Conmutar una opción por otra.
    To switch one option for another.
  2. Example: A veces es mejor conmutar una opción por otra para resolver problemas más fácilmente.
    Sometimes it’s better to switch one option for another to solve problems more easily.

  3. Conmutar frecuentemente.
    To switch frequently.

  4. Example: Si no puedes decidir, es posible que estés conmutando frecuentemente entre dos ideas.
    If you can't decide, you might be switching frequently between two ideas.

  5. Conmutar los roles.
    To switch roles.

  6. Example: En esta actividad, los estudiantes deben conmutar los roles para comprender mejor las perspectivas del otro.
    In this activity, students must switch roles to better understand each other's perspectives.

  7. Conmutar entre el trabajo y la casa.
    To switch between work and home.

  8. Example: Es difícil conmutar entre el trabajo y la casa cuando se tienen tantos compromisos.
    It's hard to switch between work and home when there are so many commitments.


The term "conmutar" originates from the Latin word "commutare," which means "to interchange" or "to change." The prefix "con-" suggests togetherness, while "mutare" means to change.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Alternar (to alternate) - Cambiar (to change) - Transferir (to transfer)

Antonyms: - Fijar (to fix) - Mantener (to maintain) - Permanecer (to remain)

This detailed breakdown outlines the significance and various applications of the word "conmutar" in Spanish across different contexts.
