connivencia - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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connivencia (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

  1. Connivance
  2. Collusion

Meaning and Usage

The term connivencia in Spanish refers to a tacit agreement or cooperation between parties, often involving unethical or illegal behavior. It implies a level of complicity, where parties may overlook or actually facilitate illicit actions without direct involvement. This word is commonly used in legal contexts to describe situations where individuals or organizations enable wrongdoing through their inaction or support.

Frequency of Use

Connivencia is moderately used in both oral and written contexts, particularly in legal and formal discussions. It is more likely to appear in written legal texts, reports, or academic discussions about criminal law and ethics.

Example Sentences

  1. La connivencia entre los funcionarios y los empresarios corruptos fue evidente en el escándalo.
  2. The connivance between officials and corrupt businessmen was evident in the scandal.

  3. Se alegó que hubo connivencia en el caso de la malversación de fondos.

  4. It was alleged that there was collusion in the case of the embezzlement of funds.

  5. La connivencia de los testigos dificultó la investigación de la policía.

  6. The connivance of the witnesses hindered the police investigation.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word connivencia is not often found in direct idiomatic expressions, but it can serve as a conceptual foundation in various phrases related to complicity. Here are a few examples of usage in phrases or contexts:

  1. La connivencia de silencio significa que todos sabían de las irregularidades y no hicieron nada.
  2. The connivance of silence means that everyone knew about the irregularities and did nothing.

  3. La connivencia entre las partes interesadas complicó aún más el proceso judicial.

  4. The connivance among the interested parties further complicated the judicial process.

  5. No debemos aceptar una connivencia con el crimen; debemos actuar.

  6. We should not accept a connivance with crime; we must act.

  7. La connivencia de ciertos medios de comunicación ha facilitado la corrupción.

  8. The connivance of certain media outlets has facilitated corruption.

  9. Cuando hay connivencia, la justicia se convierte en un juego.

  10. When there is connivance, justice becomes a game.


The word connivencia comes from the Latin conniventia, which means "winking" or "being in alliance," derived from connivere, meaning "to close one's eyes" or "to wink." This etymology reflects the idea of turning a blind eye to wrongdoings, thus enabling unethical behaviors.

Synonyms and Antonyms


