cono - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cono (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The word "cono" refers to a three-dimensional geometric shape that tapers smoothly from a flat base to a point called the apex or vertex. In various contexts, such as geometry, medicine, and culinary practices, the term can apply not only to the geometric figure but also to various practical applications, such as an ice cream cone or a signal cone.

Frequency of Use The term is used frequently in both written and oral forms, particularly in educational settings (mathematics and geometry), culinary contexts, and everyday language when discussing shapes.

Example Sentences

  1. El cono es uno de los sólidos platónicos que se estudian en geometría.
  2. The cone is one of the Platonic solids studied in geometry.

  3. Compré un cono de helado para disfrutar en el parque.

  4. I bought an ice cream cone to enjoy in the park.

  5. La señal de carretera está colocada en un cono naranja brillante.

  6. The road sign is placed on a bright orange cone.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "cono" does not have many idiomatic expressions solely using the word, it may appear in phrases related to its practical uses or shapes. However, here are a few expressions that involve similar concepts or context:

  1. Ser un cono (to be a cone) - Used colloquially to describe someone who is unoriginal or bland.
  2. Todos en la reunión eran tan aburridos, era como estar rodeado de conos.
  3. Everyone at the meeting was so boring; it was like being surrounded by cones.

  4. Cono de sombra - A term used in geometry and urban planning to describe areas that are affected by shadows cast by tall structures.

  5. El cono de sombra del edificio afecta a los jardines cercanos.
  6. The shadow cone from the building affects the nearby gardens.

  7. Cono de tráfico - Describing a traffic cone, often referred to when discussing road safety.

  8. Colocaron un cono de tráfico para advertir a los conductores sobre la construcción.
  9. They placed a traffic cone to warn drivers about the construction.


The word "cono" originates from the Latin "conus," which in turn comes from the Ancient Greek "κῶνος" (kōnos), meaning “cone” or “tapered shape.”

Synonyms and Antonyms

Overall, "cono" is a versatile term in the Spanish language that finds relevance in mathematics, geometry, culinary arts, and various other fields.
