conque - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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conque (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

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Meaning and Usage

"Conque" is a conjunction commonly used in Spanish to introduce a conclusion or a consequence based on what has been previously stated. It functions similarly to the English word "therefore" or "so." The frequency of use for "conque" is relatively moderate, with a preference for spoken language over written contexts, although it can still be found in informal writing.

Example Sentences

  1. Conque, ¿vamos al cine esta noche?
  2. Therefore, are we going to the movies tonight?

  3. No tengo ninguna idea, conque no puedo ayudarte.

  4. I have no idea, so I can't help you.

  5. Te dije que llegaría tarde, conque no te preocupes.

  6. I told you I would arrive late, so don't worry.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Conque" can also be found in various idiomatic expressions, often used in conversational Spanish.

  1. Conque así están las cosas.
  2. So that's how things stand.

  3. Conque tú eres el responsable.

  4. Therefore, you are the one responsible.

  5. Ah, conque esa es la razón.

  6. Ah, so that's the reason.

  7. Conque hablaré con ella después.

  8. Therefore, I will talk to her later.

  9. Conque es así, entonces haremos otra cosa.

  10. So that's how it is, then we'll do something else.


The word "conque" is a contraction of the Old Spanish "con que," which translates to "with which." This indicates its function in connecting clauses or thoughts, linking conditions or conclusions logically.

Synonyms and Antonyms

In usage, "conque" often sets the tone for a conclusion or definitive statement, making it a versatile term in everyday Spanish conversations.
