conquistador - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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conquistador (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The term "conquistador" refers to Spanish explorers and conquerors who played a significant role during the Age of Discovery, particularly in the Americas in the 16th century. It is often used to describe individuals who seized control of territories and established colonial rule, often involving military conquest.

In the Spanish language, the word carries historical significance and evokes images of both exploration and imperialism. Its frequency of use can vary; it is often found in both oral and written contexts, especially in discussions about history, colonialism, and cultural impact.

Example Sentences

  1. Los conquistadores llegaron a América en busca de riquezas y tierras.
  2. The conquistadors arrived in America in search of wealth and land.

  3. La historia de los conquistadores es compleja y llena de acontecimientos.

  4. The history of the conquistadors is complex and full of events.

  5. Muchos conquistadores se encontraron con civilizaciones avanzadas.

  6. Many conquistadors encountered advanced civilizations.

Idiomatic Expressions

The term "conquistador" is often used in idiomatic expressions that relate to conquering or achieving success. Here are some examples:

  1. Conquistador de corazones
  2. En la fiesta, él se presentó como un verdadero conquistador de corazones.
  3. At the party, he introduced himself as a true conqueror of hearts.

  4. Cruzando fronteras como un conquistador

  5. Ella siempre ha estado cruzando fronteras como un conquistador en su carrera.
  6. She has always been crossing borders like a conqueror in her career.

  7. Conquistador del conocimiento

  8. La lectura te convierte en un conquistador del conocimiento.
  9. Reading makes you a conqueror of knowledge.

  10. Aventurero y conquistador al mismo tiempo

  11. Es un aventurero y conquistador al mismo tiempo, siempre buscando nuevas experiencias.
  12. He is an adventurer and a conqueror at the same time, always seeking new experiences.


The word "conquistador" is derived from the Spanish verb "conquistar," which means "to conquer." The root can be traced back to the Latin word "con quaerere," which means "to seek together." The historical context in which the term evolved is tied to the Spanish conquests of the Americas and other territories in the 15th and 16th centuries.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Conquistador - Explorador (explorer)

Antonyms: - Posicionador (stabilizer) - Protector (protector)

In this context, the synonyms acknowledge the role of adventurous discovery, while the antonyms emphasize maintaining or preserving stability rather than conquering.
